

AMANAC will form a standardization committee within the cluster activity. The committee of experts drawn from across the projects will collaborate with the relevant committees that develop novel testing protocols and standards for the newly developed products, where no set standard already existing. The committee will also resolve technical and commercial challenges faced within the project.

 Standardization Workshop @Brussels (06.11.2015)
  • 02.Certification, testing and CE marking for construction products_TUV Italia_Pugliese

  • 01.Does standardisation contribute to economic impact of projects_EC_Levy

  • 07.24 months CPR implementation – EOTA_Schellinck

  • 06.Innovation and standardisation_ARUP_Carra

  • 05.Standardization of Kits as Construction Products_DAW SE_Lohmann

  • 04.Hygrothermal performance of buildings_ITB_Pietruszka

  • 03.Is thermal resistance correlated with sound insulation_ITB_Nurzynski