Cluster Projects

amanac project
The participating projects cover a wide range of different technologies at the service of Energy Efficiency in Buildings with a special focus on the development of nano and advanced materials/ systems and building components. In addition, the high participation of SMEs (36%) and large industries (27%) as partners of the 233 projects and the high number of countries represented within the Cluster facilitates the implementation and impact of the results during the post-project market launch stage at a European level.




Acronym Coordinator Title
AEROCOINs TECNALIA (RTD) Aerogel-based composite/hybrid nanomaterials for Cost-effective building superinsulation systems
HIPIN TWI (RTD) High performance insulation based on nanostructure encapsulation of air
VIP4ALL GARCÍA RAMA (SME) Highly Sustainable and Effective Production of Innovative Low Cost Vacuum Insulation Panels for
Zero Carbon Building Construction
HomeSkin  ENERSENS (SME) HOMES Key INsulating material
EnE-HVAC DTI (RTD) Energy efficient heat exchangers for HVAC applications
NANOCOOL TECNALIA (RTD) An energy efficient air conditioning systems with temperature and humidity independent controls based on
the combination of a liquid desiccants cycle with an adapted conventional air cooling system
NANOHVAC VENTO (SME) Novel nano-enabled energy efficient and safe HVAC ducts and systems contributing to a healthier indoor environment
EENSULATE D’Appolonia (LE) Development of innovative lightweight and highly insulating energy efficient components and associated
enabling materials for cost-effective retrofitting and new construction of curtain wall facades
GELCLAD IPN  Highly efficient cladding eco-panels with improved nano-insulation properties
INNOVIP Forschungsinstitut für Wärmeschutz e. V. München
Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector
WALL IN ONE quick-mix
Putztechnik GmbH & Co. KG
WALL Insulation NOvel Nanomaterials Efficient systems


Embodied Energy


Acronym Coordinator Title
LEEMA S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. (LE) Low Embodied Energy Advanced (Novel) Insulation Materials and
Insulating Masonry Components for Energy Efficient Buildings
SUSCON CETMA (RTD) SUStainable, innovative and energy-efficient CONcrete,
based on the integration of all-waste materials
BIOBUILD NETCOMPOSITES (SME) High Performance, Economical and Sustainable Biocomposite Building Materials
ECO-Binder D’Appolonia (LE) Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders
for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components
ISOBIO TWI (RTD) Development and demonstration of Highly Insulating, Construction Materials
from Bio-derived Aggregates


Smart Windows


Acronym Coordinator Title
WINSMART TEKNOLOGISK (RTD) Smart, lightweight, cost-effective and energy efficient windows
based on novel material combinations
SMARTBLIND POLYMAGE (SME) Development of an active film for smart windows with inkjet method.
Application to a building envelope component: autonomous smart device
MEM4WIN LISEC Austria GmbH (SME) Ultra thin glass membranes for advanced,adjustable and affordable
quadruple glazing windows for zero-energy buildings
HARWIN Univ. of Bayreuth (University) Harvesting solar energy with multifunctional glass-polymer windows
EELICON Fraunhofer ISC (RTD) Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Comfort by Smart Light Transmittance Control
LaWin Friedrich Schiller University Jena (University) Large Area Fluidic Window


Lightweight Components


Acronym Coordinator Title
ELISSA NTUA (University) Energy efficient lightweight sustainable safe-steel construction
ADAPTIWALL TNO (RTD) FASADA (SME) Multifunctional light-weight wall panel based on
Adaptive insulation and nanomaterials for energy efficient buildings
FoamBUILD Fraunhofer (RTD) Functional adaptive nano-materials and technologies for energy efficient buildings
SESBE CBI (RTD) Smart elements for sustainable building envelopes
MF-Retrofit NTUA (University) Multifunctional facades of reduced thickness for fast and cost-effective retrofitting


Indoor Environment


Acronym Coordinator Title
CETIEB University of Stuttgart (University) Cost-Effective Tools for Better Indoor Environment in
Retrofitted Energy Efficient Buildings
H-HOUSE CBI (RTD) Healthier Life with Eco-innovative Components for Housing Constructions
BRIMEE D’Appolonia (LE) Cost-effective and sustainable Bio-Renewable Indoor Materials with high potential
for customisation
and creative design in Energy Efficient buildings
OSIRYS TECNALIA (RTD) Forest Based Composites for Façades and Interior Partitions to Improve
Indoor Air Quality in New Builds and Restoration
ECO-SEE Univ. of Bath (University) Eco-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials
for a healthier indoor environment


Pilot Production


Acronym Coordinator Title
NANOLEAP UCLM Nanocomposite for building constructions and civil infrastructures: European network pilot production
line to promote industrial application cases